
School Policies and Regulations  

SRC Board Policies

Students should abide by the following school policies and regulations:


Attendance Plan

Mutual trust and open communication will be established between school, staff parents and students by:

  • Making students and parents/guardians feel welcome
  • Making students feel safe and respected in their school environment.
  • Communicate the school district’s policy of attendance and truancy in a clear and concise manner.
  • Ensuring that parents and students are aware of the consequences of being truant.
  • Staff will make phone calls to parents/guardians when a student is absent.
  • Staff, parents and students will work together to identify barriers and find resources. After 3 absences, a meeting will be scheduled with student and parent/guardian
  • Student will be assigned to daily reports to be filled out by their teachers and signed by parents on a daily basis, making students responsible for their attendance record.
  • Student and staff will agree upon a truancy elimination plan and student will sign an attendance contract.
  • Student is expected to adhere to the agreement.  If agreement is broken, student is referred to truancy court.